bibliothèques christian jacon citation“ A library is a place of dialogue with the past, of creation and of innovation,
and the conservation only has meaning as a catalyst of information and a motor of knowledge."


Preserving to render accessible

Dharmachakra Mudra

The mission of the Dhagpo Kagyu Library is to preserve a unique Buddhist corpora often threatened to disappear and to search for dispersed texts sometimes reprinted in very small number in Tibet, India, China or elsewhere in the world. If preservation is capital, it does not constitute the final goal: the goal is to make this knowledge accessible to the greatest number of people.

The book, whether it is in its traditional form or a modern format, has always been a powerful instrument in diffusing knowledge. Buddhist texts, which vehicle human values and universal principles, can bring responses to questions and current needs in the West in a multitude of multitude of areas: education, medicine, psychology, etc.

The Dhagpo Kagyu library has acquired a newly published collection of the complete works of all the Karmapas. Compiled by khenpo Loyak Tashi, this collection is made up of 108 volumes in the traditional Tibetan format and also of an index. We already had the works of the 3rd, 7th, 8th, 10th and 15th Karmapas but we didn’t have the others. They are now all available!


une base de données sur mesure

The library uses the new information technologies to manage its document storage. An information base was specifically designed, in open-source, in order to respond to the specific needs of the documentary collection. It inventories and catalogues all the documents that the library possesses, as well as constitutes a knowledge base in which all the works are scrutinized, gone through for a maximum amount of information details. The catalogues can then be generated by author, document title, theme, editor, etc. This specialized tool enables a more precise and complete research.

Surf in the bata base

a propos des karchak The Tibetan texts, in their traditional form, almost never propose any table of contents which help for a quick and easy search into a text that can be composed of thousands of pages. The library will upload on a regular basis karchaks (dkar chag) or table of contents of the collections that are acquired.      

Have a look at karchaks

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