Some of Dhagpo Kagyu Library’s activities are not always visible to the public. For example, cataloguing takes time and precision in order for a book to be properly entered into the online catalogue and digital document database.
Is it a coincidence of timing or simply all the right factors coming together that allowed for a unique collection of more than 200 volumes to arrive from China at Dhagpo’s library precisely during this month dedicated to Dharma study? There will surely be many opinions…
The Dhagpo Kagyu library has acquired a newly published collection of the complete works of all the Karmapas. Compiled by khenpo Loyak Tashi, this collection is made up of 108 volumes in the traditional Tibetan format and also of an index. We already had the works of the 3rd, 7th, 8th, 10th and 15th Karmapas but we didn’t have the others. They are now all available!